Elena +61 400141943
Werner +61 401039931
Rita Rolley

Rita is from Fregon on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara Lands in the far north-west of South Australia. Her works are very refined and her dot work and the use of colour show her unique skills.

Rita works across many artistic mediums including painting, prints, wood carving as well as Tjanpi weaving.

Rita Rolley

Original Aboriginal Art by Rita Rolley
Rita Rolley

Rita is from Fregon on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara Lands in the far north-west of South Australia. Her works are very refined and her dot work and the use of colour show her unique skills.

Rita works across many artistic mediums including painting, prints, wood carving as well as Tjanpi weaving.

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